Today, 1 out of every 5 kids has an ANXIETY DISORDER.

Is your kid much like our ‘Chika’? Help him find ways to deal with his SHYNESS.

As a child, I remember standing near the brick planter of the primary school playground during the lunch break and observing the sparrows sitting on the cemented boundary of the sand pit. I played in the pit till the time there would be only one or two kids rollicking in it. And then on seeing the crowd, would quickly scurry into a corner near the planter.

I would come back home with remarks in the handbook for not mixing up enough with my classmates.

Eventually I was labelled SHY.

At home, amongst the civilized jungle of relatives, I would smile and greet everyone but escape into the kitchen at the first opportunity to help mom.

I was labeled INTROVERT.

Thanks to the few lovely classmates who kept approaching me until I agreed to play with them and to the unconditional support of my family, I have come a long way in learning to EXPRESS myself in more ways than one.

But not many kids are that fortunate.

Renowned psychologist, Dr. Shefali Tsabary suggests 3 SIMPLE WAYS we can help our children deal with it

  1. Understanding THE SOURCE OF ANXIETY (as the wound lies underneath)
  2. Letting them know that their worth is NOT GAINED BY COMPETITION AND SUCCESS.
  3. Children are masters of living in the PRESENT – their ZEAL must remain intact and not be killed by the INSANE PRESSURES of the current culture.

While I am still an introvert (enjoying to spend more time alone than with people), the shyness (hesitation to interact) is no more!

In a world where society celebrates extroversion, I guess it would be unfair and maybe even devastating to push our children into it while their natural make doesn’t allow them to be so.

Listen to this story which attempts to FLAG THE PROBLEM in a subtle yet entertaining way.